Dienstag, 1. Juli 2008

Inspired by!

Hey guys, I'm so glad to see how many of you are interested in my blog! I have to say thanks to all of you.
Sadly I have to take a little break cause I have to learn for some tests at the university! But I'll be back in few days!!
For the moment I leave behind my inspiration!
The fashionweek is over and there are a lot of new pics from the streetstyle from Paris and these are my favorites!

Photos via garance dorè and cafè mode

13 Kommentare:

Ida hat gesagt…

I just LOVE the first outfit. Every little detail of it is amazing.

meowi hat gesagt…

i agree with ida the first one is amazing also the last one is nice

Biianca hat gesagt…

WOW I love the peach ruffly dress!
Your blog is so cool, i really enjoy both your own outfits and all the cool street style pics as well!!!

Sharon hat gesagt…

The peach dress is absolutely gorgeous!!

annabananna hat gesagt…

good luck with your tests. and great picks!

STYLE DU MONDE hat gesagt…

Love the outfits :-) Success with your tests!

J. Rene' hat gesagt…

Best of luck with school!! Really great pics I! can't stop being obsessed with vests!!

Kira Aderne hat gesagt…

that´s sad, hope you come back soon...good luck!

a kiss!

Elin hat gesagt…

I love the last one. It's so simple yet so beautiful. I also felt that I could wear that, and that's a good thing of course! :>

get dressed! hat gesagt…

I saved the first pic as well! I love how she wears that romper :)

Hannah Bee hat gesagt…

Oooh I adore the pink dress with the denim jacket. Good luck with your tests!

♥ Marta ♥ hat gesagt…

I love all of the outfits... great choice :)P.S. thank you so much for stopping by my blog.

Rich Hippie hat gesagt…

i love the last pic of the young lady with the black dress and gladiator shoes, simply divine